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28 Mandatory Chemistry Investigations

  1. To carry out flame tests with different salts.

  2. Test for anions in aqueous solutions: chloride, sulfate, sulfite, carbonate, hydrogencarbonate, nitrate, phosphate.

  3. To measure the relative molecular mass of a volatile liquid.

  4. To prepare a standard solution of sodium carbonate.

  5. To use the standard solution of sodium carbonate
    to standardise a given hydrochloric acid solution

 5A To prepare a 0.1M solution of sodium hydroxide and
      standardise it with a standard hydrochloric acid solution to        prepare sodium chloride.

  6. To determine the concentration of ethanoic acid in vinegar.

  7. To determine the amount of water of crystallisation in                hydrated sodium carbonate (washing soda).

  8. To study some oxidation-reduction reactions with a)                  Halogens as oxidising agents and b) Displacement                    reactions of metals.

  9. To prepare a standard solution of ammonium iron(II)
      sulfate and to use this solution to standardise a solution
 of        potassium permanganate by titration.

 10. To determine the amount of iron in an iron tablet.

 11. To prepare a solution of sodium thiosulfate and to
      standardise it by titration against a solution of iodine

 12. To determine the percentage (w/v) of sodium
      hypochlorite in household bleach.

 13. To monitor the rate of production of oxygen from
       hydrogen peroxide using manganese dioxide (catalyst).

14A To study the effect of concentration on the reaction rate
      using sodium thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid.

14B To study the effect of temperature on the reaction rate
      using sodium thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid.

 15. To illustrate Le Chatelier's principle using the reaction
       between iron(III)chloride and potassium thiocyanate.

 16. To determine the total water hardness in a water sample           using EDTA.

 17. To determine (i) the total suspended solids in ppm of a             sample of water by filtration, and (ii) the total dissolved           solids in ppm of a sample of water by evaporation, and            (iii) the pH of a sample of water.

 18. To measure the amount of dissolved oxygen in a
      sample of water by means of a redox titration.

 19. To estimate the concentration of free chlorine in a                     swimming pool using (i) a comparator and (ii) a                       colorimeter.

 20. To prepare ethene and examine its properties.

 21. To prepare ethyne and examine its properties.

 22. To determine the heat of reaction of hydrochloric acid with        sodium hydroxide.

23A To extract clove oil from cloves by steam distillation.

23B To isolate clove oil (eugenol) from an emulsion of clove
      oil and water by liquid liquid extraction using cyclohexane.

 24. To prepare a sample of soap.

25A To study the reaction of ethanal with a acidified potassium         permanganate.

25B To study the reaction of ethanal with Fehling's reagent.

25C To study the reaction of ethanal with ammoniacal silver             nitrate (silver mirror test).

25D To study the reaction of ethanoic acid with (i) sodium               carbonate, (ii) magnesium and (iii) ethanol.

 26. To oxidise phenylmethanol to benzoic acid with potassium         permanganate under alkaline conditions.

 27. To (i) recrystallise a sample of benzoic acid and (ii)                   measure it's melting point.

 28. To separate the components of ink using paper                         chromatography or thin-layer chromatography or column           chromatography.

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